Happy Women's Day

Happy women’s day to all the good and not so good a.k.a Badass Ladies out there. Ladies, you are awesome, each and every one of you, simply amazing creation of god. From the bible, it reads that God created Women from a Rib he had taken out of the man and I feel that is the best investment man has ever made. 

 As a mother, you brought me into this world, with utmost love and a vow, to always keep me protected from the harm’s way. As my Grandma who spent years running after me, fulfilling all my needs and a punch in face for anyone who dared doubt my abilities. As my aunt, who always stood by me when I felt weak, and played and laughed and mentored me at various stages of my life, when I further felt lone, you came to me as my lil sister who played my dearest friend and quarrelled with me endlessly kicking the lone wolf out of me. And when I needed rough love and my mind had no other place to go, I again saw, in the form of my best friend. I love you all, and thanks for making me what I am today.

 A heartful thanks to all the awesome women out there, not sure about Raymond though, but you surely are needed for “The Complete Man”.


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